Life And Nei' Children. By Arabella B. Buckley....
one can popularise science better than Miss Buckley. This volume about the lower orders of life—if, indeed, the dwellers in each marvellous communities as bee-hives and......
The Story Of A Soldier's Life ; Or, Peace, War,
and Mutiny. By Lieutenant.General John Alexander Ewart, C.B. 2 vols. (Sampson Low and Co.)--One does not often find better reading of its kind than this story of a soldier's......
Critical Essays And Literary Notes. By Bayerd Taylor....
and Co.)—In the Essays and Literary Notes of Mr. Bayard Taylor, we have a reprint of articles contributed by him at different dates to the Atlantic Monthly, the International......
Current Literature.
British Quarterly Review. April. (Hodder and Stoughton.)---This is an unusually good number. The place of honour is occupied by Mr. IL T. Dale's very able article on......
Mr. Rhoades' "georgics."
Tnis is a book which we have read—or, rather, studied, for it 'deserves and repays study—with pleasure and satisfaction ; and which will, we believe, be read and studied by many......