New Axis Propaganda
Sul,—In your issue of April 16th you have drawn attention to "The New Axis Propaganda " which is now being set on foot by Berlin. In your opinion " it is a change that has some......
Indian Perplexities
Snt,—An entirely adequate answer can be given to all Mr. Hickman Johnson's questions on this subject in your issue of April gth. I confine myself to two. He asks wherein......
English And American Speaking
SIR, —Mr Macintyre asks what Americans would understand from a sentence like "I am after having lunch." They would understand that the speaker had just had lunch. But the......
A Plea From The Forces
Sm,—I am convinced that the problem of transport and communications is being tackled on far too small a scale in the various exhibitions and articles on reconstruction. So far,......
Sir,—mr. Thomas Robins, Of New York, May Be Assured That
the great majority of Englishmen (not Scottish or Irish!) who cherish their speech are with him in deploring the debased sounds given to our fourth vowel when it is long or......