Sir: As the editor of the local newspaper, Mr Isaaman (Letters, 16 April) is surpri- singly badly informed about English Herit- age and Kenwood. Far from curtailing activities......
Ars Musics
Sir: I was flattered and delighted that Charles Glass (Diary, 16 April) should find my momentary attack of flatulence a sub- ject of mirth. I have often observed that one's......
Ethiopian Prisoners
Sir: With reference to Christopher Howse's article (Princesses in Prison', 19 March) and the letter of the Hon. Secret- ary of the British Horn of African Council, I should like......
Sir: A few important points in my article about Czechoslovakia (16 April) were un- fortunately garbled by your editorial grem- lins. First, I actually stressed that the Prague......
Sir: Charles Glass (Diary, 16 April) leaps to certain conclusions about my views on many issues. He might have asked me what I think. Contrary to his assertions, I have......
Letters Not On Your Nelly
Sir: A distant tremor on the Richter scale could be detected coming from the direc- tion of the Lausanne tomb of that most dear, beautiful and royal (she was a great-......