What It Means That There Is No Longer A Macleod
of Macleod can only be fully understood by those who know Dunvegan and its castle, one of the most romantic as it is one of the oldest (the oldest, I risk contradiction in......
Jews And The World
T HE Nineteenth Zionist Congress opened at Lucerne last Tuesday, attended by 450 delegates repre- senting more than 900,000 members of the Zionist organization in about fifty......
The Only Consolation To Be Derived From The Result Of
the fifth Test Match is the reflection that if it had lasted four days instead of three England would probably have won. Why the Australian matches should be given four days and......
A Spectator's Notebook
I T is fortunate that the Dominion representatiVes in London at this critical moment are most of them men with personal experience of Geneva. Mr. Bruce, the Australian High......
Gifts For Dr. Goebbels ?
Birmingham is also experiencing a boom in Jews'- harps . . . One firm is producing 100,000 harps a week.'!......
* * * * I Value Transatlantic Contacts. The Following
reaches me from New Hampshire, but its author is said to be,a New York stockbroker :- " I wonder if you appreciate the tremendous responsibility you and I are carrying I Note......
* * . * • The Refusal Of The Proprietors
of a well-known swimming- pool in Kent to admit coloured bathers is an unpleasant affair. Quite apart from any question of liberal-minded- ness, if ever there was a moment for......
• I Am Sorry To See That Sir Austen Chamberlain
has left for the Continent. No one could for a moment grudge him a well-earned holiday, but his experience and support might be of the greatest value to the Government at this......