I Am Afraid I Have Never Taken Much Interest In
politics, but even the most incurious, the least factious individual is bound in these days to speculate from time to time about his rulers. One of the things that strikes me......
The Surprising Thing About The Squatters Is That They Did
not begin to squat earlier. In the country district where I live there are two hutted camps, erected at the beginning of the war to accommodate r,000 troops each. They stand on......
Nationalisation Roll-call
T HE suspension of the furious bout of Parliamentary activity which has so far put 70 Bills on the Statute Book and lac eight more waiting to be passed into law, has produced an......
I Feel Sorry For Our Troops In Calcutta, Where The
Indian popula- tion is reminding the world how far their country has progressed towards political maturity. It is a depressing place at the best of times, especially in the hot......
A Spectator 's Notebook
W HAT used to be called the "Hays Office," otherwise the Motion Picture Association, is the organisation responsible for ensuring that all films shown in America are morally......
For About Half A Mile There Were Corks On The
telegraph wires beside the road. The small boy wanted to know what they were for. To stop partridges flying into the wires and getting killed. The small boy thought this was......