23 DECEMBER 1893, page 14

Sundown In Shotley Wood.

S HOTLEY Wood is marked on the county map. Some. times, though rarely, when there was enough spare money in the county to keep a three-days-a-week pack, it figured among the......

[to The Editor Oe The "spectatou.1 Sir,—in "a Sketch Of

the:Life of Georgiana, Lady de Roe," lately published, there is a list of the invitations to the Duchess of Richmond's ball ak:93russela, June 15th, 1815, and amongst the names......

" Februanj 15th, 1853.-1 Spent Much Of The Day In

the drawing- room in order that the Admiral might not feel his loneliness, and thereby heard much that was interesting of his recollections. On the table were lying, as they......