23 FEBRUARY 1985, page 19


Opiates and the people Sir: Mr Wheatcroft puts forward an abso- lutist argument (Letters, 22 December) for the decriminalising of heroin. Since some drugs are legal and socially......


Sir: How strange are the ways of provi- dence. High Life has led to prison and Low Life has led to bankruptcy. One would have expected it to be exactly the other way round.......

Sir: Gavin Stamp Was Very Interesting On Telephone Boxes,...

surely he missed the most important point in favour of the old design. American street telephones are inadequately insulated from the noise made by traffic and passers-by. It is......


Sir: In the course of his semi-literate account of Mrs Thatcher's first ten years as leader of the Conservative Party (Profile, 9 February), a writer of yours refers to her......


Sir: I suggest that the meaning of `ponting' (Politics, 16 February) could be extended to include the misuse of English in a way that the reader cannot possibly respect, for......


Sir Auberon Waugh considers his children intelligent, attractive and gifted' (Another voice, 9 February) and bemoans their failure to get into Oxford. I am also intelligent,......


Sir: I must take issue with you and with Gavin Stamp on his remarks (`Save the telephone box', 9 February) on handicap- Ped people. I wish it were not necessary to make `the......