Mr. Raskin's Revision Of Sir John Lubbock's List Of The
hundred best books, a fac-simile of which is given in the Pall Mall of Tuesday, is a very amusing affair. Running his pen, as he says, " lightly through the needless, and......
We Have Discussed M. De Freycinet's Programme Elsewhere....
briefly, a Radical one, to dismiss functionaries who do not support the Government ; to threaten the Church with "a brusque rupture "—that is, a stoppage of pay—if she does not......
The Great Powers Are In A Mess. Servia And Greece
have refused to disarm, and Bulgaria only agrees on condition that she obtains a guarantee against a Servian invasion. The Russian Government has, therefore, proposed that the......
It Is Quite Possible That M. De Freycinet's Programme May
prove a dead-letter, for the Chamber has already taken the reins into its own hands. On Thursday, M. Rochefort introduced a Bill granting a general amnesty, which the Government......
Lord Dufferin Will Start For Burmah On February 1st, And
will as soon as possible organise the new Province. He cannot be too quick if order is to be restored, and Lord Randolph Churchill would do well to assent in advance to a......
The Action Of Criminal Libel Brought By Mr. George Howell
(M.P. for North-East Bethnal Green) against Patrick Kenny for publishing, as an electioneering device, a charge against him of maladministration of a fund raised some years ago......
An Extraordinary Project Is Announced In The Papers,...
to have some sort of vague countenance from the Government. This is to form a Company, to be called the Soudan Company, on the model of the North Borneo Com- pany, and entrust......
One Feature Of The Deputations Was Very Remarkable,—...
protestations of confidence in Lord Salisbury as the statesman who, of all others, would most feel the duty of restoring order. We hope he may, and will give him our hearty......
The Times' Correspondent Telegraphs Almost Incredible...
declares that the Provost-Marshal, whom he does not name, recently extorted evidence from a Burman while covered by the rifles of a firing-party ; and that he, being an ardent......