Sir, — Among The Master-builders Of The Empire Sir...
second to none in foresight and courage. To him we owe the maritime supremacy of Britain in the Far East. In 1819 he hoisted the British flag at Singapore, then "an almost......
The Chinese Labour Question: Tactics Of The Capitalistic...
(TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Stu,—In reference to the letter appearing in your columns on December 19th, 1903, from Mr. F. H. P. Creswell on the subject of Asiatic labour......
[to Thr Editor Op The " Spectator:1 Sir,—it Is Most
extraordinary how many of the men one meets are misled when Mr. Chamberlain comes to figures. The principal point in his latest speech is, I think, the fact that our exports......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]
then are invalid now. And the chief new phenomenon to which they point is "dumping," which, though mentioned by List in the "forties" as a common English practice, is certainly......