Cowper's Centenary
[To the Editor of the SeEcr4vron.] - -Will you allow me a moment to see if I can dry a few of the tears that flow from my friend Mr. Forster's cheeks over Cowper's grave ?......
Teachers' Salaries
- [To the Editor of the Sisi.crAion.] Sm,—May I raise a protest against what seems to me your undue partiality to the Teachers in the matter of the cuts in their salaries which......
Birth Control
[To the Editor of the SimurAron.] Sin,—I hesitate to break a lance with one whom I honour, and particularly on the subject of birth control, which dislike discussing in public,......
A Cambridge (?) Poet
[To the Editor of the Sews-A.1mq Sin,- Mr. Arthur Waugh writes so kindly of my article that I am loth to frame a controversial reply. I have not a word to say against " Blayds......
• A Listeners' Association
[To the Editor of the Seel•suTosi.i Sin,—There has been much disquiet of tate amonga intelligent listeners in regard to the governance and certain trends of policy of the B.B.C.......