The Naval Annual, 1892. Edited By T. A. Brassey. (griffin
and Co., Portsmouth.)—The Naval Annual continues to main- tain its character as a quite indispensable record of our naval activities, together with a comparison with the navies......
A Strange Elopement. By W. Clark Russell. (macmillan.)—...
Russell, as usual, makes an effective little picture out of very simple and familiar materials. Two lovers are separated by an ill•conditioned father, who carries the lady off......
The Barren Ground Of Northern Canada. By Warburton Pike....
Pike underwent great hardships, and ran no small danger of death, coming as near to absolute starvation as a man well could, and had for his reward the consciousness of having......
Current Literature.
The ninth volume of the new edition of Chambers's Eneyclo- po3dia, extending from " Round " to " Swansea," is notable chiefly for the extraordinary number of important......
The Tell - El - Arnarna Tablets In The British Museum....
C. Bezold. (Longmans, Quaritch, and others.)—This is one of the volumes of fac-similes by the publication of which the Trustees of the Museum are doing such excellent service to......
Good Fare For Little Money. By Mrs. E. H. Pitcairn.
(Griffith, Farran, and Co.)—Mrs. Pitcairn gives estimates for parochial entertainments of various kinds, and also for domestic manage- ment. Her book, she explains, is "not a......
What We Are Coming To. By Miles L'estrange. (d. Douglas.)
—The writer supposes himself to have had a dream of what England will be some few years hence, and makes this an oppor- tuni- y of commending or satirising various proposed......
The Web Of The Spider. By H. B. Marriott Watson.
(Hutchin- son and Co.)—The Web of the Spider is a New Zealand tale of adventure, and the main motive of the plot is the search of one Palliser for his friend Caryl, and the......