The Races Of The Scottish Highlands. [to The Editor Op
THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Perhaps you will allow me to supplement Mr. Foster Palmer's letter in your issue of June 25th? I think the best possible index to a race is the personal......
A Paralysing Business Danger.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—If any business man were asked if he could conduct his business when a third party had the right at any time to compel him to pay......
"the Fall Of Feudalism In France."
(To mac Ehnen or TEL " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—I have to thank you for your able and courteous review of my Fall of Feudalism in France. But in one particular I think the writer does......
Sport And Barbarism.
LTD THE EDITOR OT THE-" SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Whilst welcoming the Dean of Durham's objection to the present recrudescence of cruel and brutal forms of sport, I should like to point......
Count Axel Fersen.
[To THZ EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—The so-called " secret papers " of Count Axel Fersen are by no means unknown to the world at large. Mr. Herbert H. Sturmer will find an......