The Press
SIR, - -The accuracy of Christopher Booker's analyst' of the journalism that ended in 1950, as opposo l to the journalism that subsists in 1965, is evidenced every evening when......
Sexual Freedom
Sts,-11 we must spy pruriently and constantly into other people's private lives, whether out of senile jealousy or out of what we believe to, be genuine concern, would it not be......
Abreast Of The Age
Six,- --Dr. John Holloway has caused me some anxiety. He says boldly that Matthew Arnold 'was a poet.' This poet. he adds, has 'a rich sense of fact'—in some things, this poet......
Sir; A Namesake Of Mine, Drusilla Scott, Writes On Sexual
freedom in your issue of July 9. I feel that I am as qualified as she is to write on this subject because I have not read Wayland Young either. But perhaps I have the additional......
Letters To The Editor
From : Dr. C. G. Elliott, Sarah Gainhant, Alastair Scott, M. M. Carlin, George Edinger, D. D. Mitchell, Terence de Vere White. Dr. Cameron's Casebook Sut,—Your editorial has had......