Overseas Aid
Sir: It is refreshing to see a non-orthodox view of foreign aid (How foreign aid makes the world poorer, 25 June), but it strikes lme that all the talk about the Third World has......
Proof Required
Sir: What is your evidence that the 'world largely disbelieves in God'? (Bad News, 16 July). John Biggs-Davison, MP House of Commons, London SW1......
Lucky Waugh
Sir: Auberon Waugh will surely find consolation for the intrusion of the pensioners and the retired into his Somersetshire Arcadia in the fact that while we all contributed......
All Right
Sir: Opinions may differ as to whether 'alright' is all right but surely there can be no doubt that 'prejudice' is not synonymous with 'opinion', 'belief' or 'conviction'. Yet......
Smith By Worsthorne
Sir: It was pleasing to see that Peregrine Worsthorne intends to push ahead with a biography of Ian Smith (Notebook, 9 July) .notwithstanding the fact that a major British......
Sir: A misprint crept into my article on capital punishment (16 July): in the second paragraph of the last column, 1 meant to say that there is evidence that in our century (not......
Sir: It is hard to make much sense of your leading article (16 July) on the trial of Gay News for publishing James Kirkup's poem 'The Love that Dares to Speak its Name'. You say......
Sir: Whatever may have been said about divisions in the Cabinet, at least over Grunwick they have shown a true example of collective irresponsibility. Patrick Lawrence Fawley......