CHRISTIAN ECONOMICS.* Tins is a remarkable book. It is an attempt to redeem poli- tical economy from the imputation of justifying all the selfish and godless actions which are......
"child-life In Japan."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,-It may interest some of your readers to know that this book, which the reviewer in the Spectator of June 16th attri- butes to Mr.......
Greek Testament Classes.
I-TO THE EDITOR OF THE " $PECTATOR." j was pleased to learn from your reviewer that the late- Bishop Wordsworth had commended the holding of Greek classes in In - :likely......
THE NEW GALLERY. [SECOND NOTICE.] THE most important landscape in size; and, with one excep- tion, in quality, in the present exhibition, is The First Smile of Morn," by Signor......