To Follow Up This Blow Great Britain, Russia, Germany,...
America, and Japan are collecting an army at Taku. Each of the white Powers sends four thousand men,—Great Britain from Calcutta, Russia from Port Arthur, France from Saigon,......
News Of The Week.
T HE general result of the week's news from the front is highly satisfactory. Lord Roberts telegraphed on Friday morning that General Ian Hamilton's column had reached......
This View, It Is Clear, Is Accepted By All The
Courts. They all, to begin with, sanctioned a march by a composite force of two thousand marines under Admiral Sir Edward Seymour, from Tientsin to Pekin, the object being not......
The Fog Is Lifting In China, Though Not In Pekin.
There is no longer any doubt that the Empress-Regent has informally declared war on Europe, that she has ordered the Viceroys not to protect Europeans—an order textually read......
We Have No " Information " To Give Our Readers
on the subject, but there is every reason to believe that the Czar is in hearty accord with the Queen's Government as to the policy to be pursued. His Majesty holds, it is said,......