23 JUNE 1967, page 22

Israel And The Left

Sir: Regarding Tibor Szamuely's article (9 June). I would like to point out to him that the right- wingers in the West are also the most ardent admirers and supporters of Ian......

Bed And Bored

CONSUMING INTEREST LESLIE ADRIAN Why do they come, these visitors to Britain? London is bursting with them now, posing in front of the mounted guards in Whitehall or taking the......

Market Notes

CUSTOS The behaviour of the stock markets during the Middle East crisis has been truly British, in other words, non-panicky. The gilt-edged market has, of course, been weak on......

The Sea Coast Of Bohemia

LETTERS From Wm F. Buckley Jr, Christopher I. K. Tallack. Eric Taylor, Boris Kalcev, Humphrey Wynn, T. H. Berrill, FRCS, Anthony Eisingc•r, Mrs I. S. Mason, Elspeth......