Letters To The Editor.
THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN VICTORIA. (To THE EDITOR OF THE ,, nrstrraroa. - 1 SIR,—The paragraph in the Spectator of lasf Saturday on the political situation in Victoria......
Catholics In Hungary.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] regret that the omission of the word "upper" rendered Mr. Fairfield's comments necessary. The statistics given are quoted in the Nate Freie......
"LEAD, KINDLY LIGHT." Due, alma Lux, circumstat umbra mundi, Due, alma Lux ; Est atra Nox, mei jam vagabundi Sis ergo dux : Serva pedes,—non cupio longinqua Videre ; satis......
The Garden Of Lincoln's Inn Fields.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIB, —The garden of Lincoln's Inn Fields is, I believe, one of the• largest of the kind in London, and within fifty yards of it are some of......