23 MARCH 1929, page 3

The Discoveries Of The Oxford Expedition To Ur " Of

the Chaldees," were described by Mr. C. Leonard Woolley in the Times of last Saturday. The expedition has established the existence of human occupation dating back to 5000 B.C.......

The Australians Unquestionably Earned Their Victory In...

the Test Matches. At the opening of the season it might have been thought that Australian cricket was in one of its rare declines, but the young men are coming on and they are......

Our City Editor Has Written Elsewhere About The Proposal Of

the General Electric Company to prevent foreigners from buying its new shares, and its remarkable change of policy at the last moment, in response to American protests. This is......

On Wednesday, In The House Of Lords, The Third Reading

of the Local Government Bill was carried. The Govern- ment introduced an interesting amendment governing the relations between County Councils and local voluntary hospitals. '......

The Revision Of The Articles Of The World Court Justifies

the hope that the United States will at last be able to adhere to the Court. The reason why she has not hitherto joined the Court was that the other members could not accept her......

Mr. Stephen Walsh, Who Died At Wigan Last Saturday, Was

a Trade Union leader in the best tradition. He worked his way up from the bottom by shrewdness and force of character, and became Vice-President of the Miners' Federation. He......

The True Line Of Policy Is Indicated In The Mandates -

system of the League, the principles of which, namely, trusteeship for the - natives; have been accepted as the basis of Imperial policy: One sentence in the South African......

It Has Been Officially Announced That Prince George Is...

up active work in the Navy, in order to be attached temporarily to the Foreign Office. At a Civil Service dinner on Monday Prince George said, " I am the first member of my......

Bank Rate, 5} Per Cent., Changed From 41 Per Cent.,

on February 7th, 1929. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 101* ; on Wednesday week 1011; a year ago, 102*. Fund- ing Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 88 ; on Wednesday......