Greek History
Sir: Is it not somewhat ridiculous for Hugh Lloyd-Jones (Books, 2 March) to tout the work of his new American bride? If the good professor really believes that Peter Levi's......
Lust For Glory
Sir: Max Hastings's admirable review of Philip Ziegler's Mountbatten (Books, 16 March) in which he refers to Lord Louis's natural vanity and unbridled ambition, reminded me of......
Sir: Christopher Hitchens (Where babies go to', 9 February) points out that femin- ists did not demand that others had abor- tions, while those who oppose abortion do demand......
Sir: Richard West's references to 'Yob- boes' and 'Loonies' (2 and 9 March) are a vivid reminder of childhood when calling people names is such a handy technique of establishing......
Sir: Perhaps You Will Allow Me To Correct A Misstatement
in Max Hastings' interesting review of Philip Ziegler's biography of Mountbatten, viz 'The author's publishers have done him no service with their ful- some jacket blurb, which......
Palestine: whose country? Sir: How strange that Joan Peters's From Time Immemorial is 'so highly praised by the American intellectual community' and so savagely belittled by......
Sir: Charles Glass's Excellent Review Of Joan Peters's...
Immemorial con- cludes that she has so filled her work with error and distortion that 'it would take another book, rather than a review, to list and explain them all.' This book......