Camp Sight
Sir: While I was art editor of Show maga- zine in New York during the 1960s, I com- missioned the great Diane Arbus to photo- graph the by then forgotten Mae West (Books, 16......
Rural High Spot
Sir: Lady Hesketh (`Memoirs of a rugby- loving lady', 2 March) claims that Berwick- shire, her home county, is the only one in the United Kingdom without a set of traffic......
Leavis Liked It
Sir: A. N. Wilson accuses Rupert Chris- tiansen of being a Leavisite (Letters, 16 March). I wonder if Mr Wilson would agree that Die Fledennaus is 'both playful and serious,......
More To The Point
Sir: Pedants have to get it right, especially a self-confessed pedant (Letters, 16 March) who dared to score a point off Dot. The true rhyme by A.D. Godley eschews the omnibus.......
Language Barrier
Sir: Both 'Portrait of the week' (9 March) and Time magazine (18 March) reported the death of the members of a popular Brazilian rock group when their plane crashed into a hill......
Happy Motoring
Sir: Like Gavin Stamp (Not motoring, 16 March), I am very much in favour of main- taining the Forth Bridge in good order. There is, however, a subtext in his article to the......
Collective Deafness
Sir: The Duff Cooper Prize must not be allowed to degenerate into a game of Chi- nese whispers. However, pace Joan Bake- well (Diary, 2 March), Gitta Sereny did not make a......
Larger Than Life
Sir: James Delingpole's irritation with Inspector Morse (Arts, 9 March) does not allow for the whodunnit writer's desperate search for originality. Sherlock Holmes, Poirot,......