23 MAY 1969, page 30

Butterfly Music

Sir: I see that in a review of a book about Puccini (9 May) Mr Charles Reid writes: 'Mr Ashbrooke writes: 'This is the obverse of deli- cacy . . ." Perhaps so.' And perhaps, if......

Down, Jenkins

Sir: 'I was therefore intrigued when I read in the "Miscellany" column of the Guardian that Mr Jenkins was to replace George Gale as the Mirror regular columnist. "Miscellany"......

The Case For A Referendum

Sir : Surely your contributor Mr Skidelsky (9 May) is guilty of a serious lapse in assuming that we have no machinery or intent of the much-abused politicians here, to obtain......

Now That The Ball Is Over Sir: Here We Are,

exactly one quarter-century into the nuclear age, and very lucky to have survived that far, and Tibor Szamuely seems to have learned nothing (see his article on Czechoslovakia,......

Sir: I Fear That M Val6ry Giscard Te,staing Is Not

the only Frenchman 'wearing an Old Etonian tie to which he is not entitled—vide Sir Denis Brogan, 2 May, and your competi- tion No. 552. Two years ago, I spent a short holiday......

This Kind Of Thing Must Stop

Sir:- I hope that I am not the only admirer of Oscar Wilde's writings who resented Mr Barry Humphries's nasty little piece (9 May). Mr Humphries's literary discrimination is......

Spouse Traps

Sir: If the cautionary tale contained in R. A. Cline's article (9 May) is followed to its con- clusion it is at least probable that the characters involved in it will be seen to......

Poison Ivy

Sir: Referring to Rolf Hochhuth's play about the bombing of Dresden and other cities, Lord Chandos (9 May) comments on the symbolic- satiric Sikorsky theme as follows:......