The Price Of A Loaf Of Brown Bread Went Up
last week; the price of a loaf of white bread is going up shortly. Why all these fluctuations, at a time when the price of wheat has been reason- ably stable? Sceptical of the......
A Spectator's Notebook
ANGUS MCDONALD came round to the Spectator office three weeks ago with an introduction from a mutual friend, to ask if we would like articles from Cyprus and the Middle East. He......
Political Commentary
BY CHARLES CURRAN I N Trafalgar Square the other day, Suez demonstrators shouted 'Law, not war'—then obstructed and booed the police. In Cairo this week, Nasser has been......
The Demand To Mr. Stanley Evans From His Constituency Party
that he should surrender his seat for supporting Sir Anthony Eden over Suez shows that the Socialists are even more intolerant of deviations within their party than the Tories.......
By-election Intelligence
Tye IMPORTANT fact is that there is no decisive swing against the G overnment.—Daily Mail, November 16. THE SWING is bigger and much quicker than expected. News Chronicle,......