23 OCTOBER 1959, page 7

Why Is 1t—one Of Our Correspondents Asks This Week—that So

many doctors act as if their patient automatically loses his intelligence with his physical health? And why is it, 1 am tempted to add, that so many doctors lose their own......

A Friend Of Mine Who Lives In Westminster Was Recently

woken after I a.m. by sounds of a fight going on under her window, Fired by the posters saying 'Don't look the other way—your suspicions could prevent a crime,' she resisted the......

By Way Of Contrast, I Wish The Public (and The

Dr. Meyrick discusses the advantages of an appointments system for attendances at his sur- gery; he surveys the difficulties (even the patients tended to dislike the idea at......

A Task For Mr. Sandys

By OLIVER STEWART He can cure the ills that have plagued and enfeebled British aviation since the war and can set it to work on the job for which it is ideally suited : that of......

'in A Decent World,' Mr. Justice Elwes Said At Durham

Assizes this week, 'an adolescent would not be prosecuted on a criminal charge arising out of a sexual offence. He would be handed over to some intelligent sympathetic person......