23 OCTOBER 1976, page 18

Heath Record

Sir: Looking back on his record as prime minister Mr Heath's speech at Brighton was surely the most impudent political discourse of the century—no mean feat when one recalls......

Iris Murdoch

Sir: Ten out of ten, we think, for your interview with Iris Murdoch, but nought out of ten, we think, for the caricature of Eris Murdoch (Heath!). I know Heath can play the......


Sir: I refer to Robert Blake's objective and impartial article 'War or peace in Rhodesia?', in your issue of 2 October. But I must express my reservations as to one sentence. as......

Lord Home's Aspidistra Club

Sir: There was one paragraph in Lord Home's autobiography which Mr Powell, either out of chivalry or out of carelessness, overlooked. This was Lord Home's confession that in his......

Close To Midnight

Sir: Mrs Thatcher at Brighton : 'For them Hope has withered and Faith gone sour. For we who remain it is close to midnight.' If this is a foretaste of education under the......

Litter Louts

Sir: Here comes Elisabeth Dunn (9 'October) launching a laudable salvo against the litter louts. She wants to tax those who provide the raw material, fine heavily those who......