Intaglios : Sonnets. By John Payne. (pickering.)—the...
suit the genius of Mr. Payne's poetry. Its narrow limits and the rigidity of its form do something to ohook the wild luxurianoe of his. fancy, and to stop a fluency which,......
The Odes Of Horace. Book I. Translated Into English Verse
by M. C. (Nimmo.)—We must quote against M. 0. the author whom ho seeks to honour. The poet speaks, not exactly with praise, of one whose gift it was to mike two-hundred verses......
Current Literature.
English and Scotch Historical Ballads. By Arthur Milman, M.A. Mr. Milman describes this volume as having boon edited "for the use of schools." We have no hesitation in saying......
William Carleton.*
CA.RLETOWS success as a story-teller—he hardly rises to the dignity of a novelist—is due to the minute delicacy and accuracy with which ho depicted the manners and customs of......