Through A Keyhole.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] Srn,—With reference to the notice in the Spectator of Sep- tember 16th concerning a book called "Through a Keyhole," by Cosmo Monkhonse, and......
A Plea For Temperance.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sir.,—Reading Mr. Stephen Phillips's fine lines in the Spectator of September 16th I am tempted to wonder if we have truly improved upon Old......
Whether "public Opinion" Exists?
[Ti . THE EDITOP. Or THE "c:PECTkTOR have been reading your interesting article on the poisoning of Public Opinion in France. May I be permitted —as briefly as possible—to raise......
Voltaire And The " Affaire Dreyfus."
[TO TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Six,—The following extracts from Voltaire letters on the affaire Colas may interest your readers. Substitute Dreyfus for Calas, and they......
Clerical Anti-semitism.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] $IR,—" As patriots we rejoice ; as Catholics we give thanks to God." These are the words in which La Croix, one of the leading organs of......
M. Zola And The Papacy.
To THE EDITOP. Or THE " iPECTATOR."] SIR,—M. Zola is but repeating in the nineteenth century the part played by Voltaire in the eighteenth. Then, as now, the Roman Church aided......