Queer Patients. By H. Osten, M.d. (john Currie,...
Cd. net.)—There are some very curious things here which cer- tainly try our faith. A cultured, amiable woman becomes rude and vulgar because her dining-room is papered with a......
The Town Of Morality. By C. H. R. (mills And
Boon. Cs.)— " The narrative," so runs the sub-title, "of one who lived here for a time." The town has for its chief magistrate Dr. Legality. Mr. Self-Satisfied, married to a......
In The "publications Of The Champlain Society" (toronto)...
Samuel Hearne's .Tourney from Prince of Wales' Fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean, 1769-1772, edited by J. B. Tyrrell, M.A. Hearne's narrative is interesting in itself,......
Dr. Johnson. By Alexander Cross. (st. Catherine...
is to be judged by what he thinks of Dr. Johnson, Mr. Cross should stand well The contents of this book have been given in the shape of a lecture, and it is well that they......
Out Of The Ivory Palaces.—by P. H. Ditehfield. (mills And
Boon. es.)—Mr. Ditchfield writes about dwellings of common folk and of great folk, dwellings of bishops, dwellings of the sick. He writes about booksellers' shops and about many......