In The Garden
How rarely do private gardeners practise the art of green manuring, though manure is hard to get and compost usually insufficient or insuffi- ciently rotted. Seed sown even as......
Tree Oddities Ashridge Has Many Beauties (as Well As Some
architectural oddities) and perhaps the greatest are the trees. One botanist who joined a course there found a number of curiosities. What most struck him was a contrast in the......
Mediation By Grace
SIR,—Dr. J. S. Whale, in his review of The Claims of the Free Churches by Dr. H. Townsend, asserts that " no man, not even an Apostle, may presume to control or mediate God's......
An Ashridge Party
Far be it from me in this place, though I have the highest admiration for Sir Bernard Paget, to enter into the polemics of the Ashridge affair, but it is worth while to call......
Last Week Ended The Latest Of , A Rare Succession Of
droughts or nedr- droughts. Looking at some diaries and records—not my own—I see that surprised comments on the dryness of the season have been repeated at close intervals for......
Fruit Drinks In The Tcme Valley (that English Tempe) A
great many of the apples not fit for marketing as such are being crushed for apple juice, thanks to a real advance in the science of preserving fruit juices without diming them......
Machinery And Wages
SIR,—Mr. Armstrong's suggestion that the advantages of new machinery should result in a reduction of working hours is one which finds much support in modern trade......
Visits To Children In Hospital Country Life
SIR,—In view of the correspondence on this subject which you published during March and April this year, you will no doubt be interested to learn that I forwarded (with the full......
The Spectator
SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ordinary Edition by post to any part of the world. 52 weeks LI 10s. Od. World-wide distribution by Air : " All Up " service to all countries in Europe......