23 SEPTEMBER 2000, page 27

Jobs, Aids And Race

From Mr R.W. Johnson Sir: I was astonished to read Margaret Legum's letter (16 September) which seems to have virtually no contact with reality at all. She says that it is......

From Mr Andrzej Zaluski Sir: I Normally Enjoy Petronella...

writing, so I was particularly saddened by her recent remarks about Poles. Miss Wyatt makes much of the Hungari- an side of her family. Unfortunately, per- haps because she is......

From Dr Carole Caldwell Sir: Your Leading Article States...

the public instinctively recognises that the tax on fuel is a 'bad' one which has failed in its purpose to make people use their cars less. I am pleased that you acknowledge......

Oil Sanctions Don't Work

From Mr John Lidstone Sir: Your leading article (16 September) recalls the misplaced self-confidence of another socialist prime minister, Harold Wilson. In 1965 he tried to......


Fawley some mistake From the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Court of St James's Sir: Having read Petronella Wyatt's column of 9 September, I thought it might be......