We Have Received Some Further Statements And...
dispute between the Royal Institution of Scotland and the Royal Scot- tish Academy of Paiuting, Sculpture, and Architecture. The Institution has formally withdrawn the personal......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, April 20. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Eden and Denton, Hartlepool, ship-brokers-Chlnnock and Co. Piccadilly, patentees of self-acting furniture -..T. and J. Heaton,......
Fine Arts.
THE NEW SOCIETY OF PAINTERS II WATER COLOURS. Tim annual exhibition of the New Society of Painters in Water Colours is one of the most agreeable collections in town, to look......
Military Gazette.
OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, April 19.-Royal Regt. Artillery-First Lieut. G. Wilder to bo Second Capt. vice the Hon. F. Settle, retired on half-pay ; Second Lieut. W. H. Blair to be......
Publications Received. Boors.
Brows of History, from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century. By Mra. Percy Sinnott. In two volumes. Twin Years Ago; a Tale. By the Author of " Letters to my Unknown Friends."......