24 APRIL 1909, page 31

Archdeacon Cheeteiam And World. Humour.

[To THE EDITOR OF Till 1.7CO ['ATM.] Si n, -- Ts not the saying quoted by Mr. Burdett (Spectator, A.pril 10th), "It takes all the wisdom of the wise to correct the folly of the......

The Love-letters Of Thomas Carlyle And

JA.Nt 'wEtsEt. [To TEE EDITOR OF Tam "irrorkros."] long and interesting review of "Some New Carlyle Letters" (Spesicitor, April 10th) you have unfortu- nately fallen into one or......

Fiwinbttri■te And Gladstont.

[To nit iFIDITOTt OM TOP "SPICOPAT014 . ] 8tn,—I matriculated at Balliol on the same day with Swinburne; bilt my personal intercom*, with him was slight. Mr. A.lhart Dicey was......

Tariff Reform: A 'warning From Canada. [to Till Editor Of

MIR "SricerA.roa."1 Sru, — I enclose a letter which I have received from my father, of Montreal. As he has had a wide experience of trade between England and Canada for nearly......