24 AUGUST 1912, page 11

Sir Roundell Palmer On The "right Of Rebellion."

[To ass EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sur,—Some fifty years ago I met Sir Roundell Palmer (after- wards Lord Selborne) at dinner, and the conversation took the then common line of......

[to Tile Editor Of The "spectator. "]

SIR,—May I express a cordial agreement with your article in the Spectator of August 17th on " The Right of Rebellion " P The gravamen of the Home Rule Bill is not merely that it......

[to Ter Editor Of The " Strdtator.".1 Sra,—to Deal Fully

with both the premises and the conclusions of your article on the Ulster question in the Spectator of August 17th would require a letter of at least equal length, but perhaps......

Tiir Editor Of The " Spectator."]

Sin,--Is your statement of the Ulster question in your article, " The Right of Rebellion," not a little disingenuous P Yon declare that the reply of the Ulstermen to the Irish......