Airing A Grievance
From Diana Ripley Sir: Rachel Johnson's piece (The cost of dying', 17 August) about the ridiculous inheritance-tax situation in the UK was excellent. Why should Middle......
Job Offer To Glover
From Mr Roger Mosey Sir: Stephen Glover (Media, 17 August) seems to be having a funny turn. We would not have invited Andrew Neil to present Newsmght if we didn't agree that he......
We're Backing Eno
From Mr Peter Hewitt Sir: Tom Sutcliffe's piece on English National Opera (Arts, 10 August) paints an absurdly pessimistic picture of ENO's future and the future of opera......
Rand Undervalued
From Mr Graham Asher Sir: Michael Harrington's attack by innuendo (Politics, 17 August) and — to quote Mary Archer — 'inaccurate précis' of Ayn Rand and her philosophy will......
Monkey Business
From Mr Jonathan Mirsky Sir: Having read Dot Wordsworth on the Three Monkeys (17 August), I Googled away and found more than 100 entries, most of them offering to sell me the......
Slightly Out Of Tune
From Mr Chris White Sir: So Joan Collins (Diary, 17 August) enjoys 'Havana Gila' at a Jewish wedding in Las Vegas. `Hava Nagila', surely, or is Ms Collins trying to tell us that......