The Electoral Tribunal At Washington Has Decided That It...
"go behind the returns" sent up from the different States, and has therefore accepted the votes thrown by Louisiana and Florida for Mr. Hayes. This would seat Mr. Hayes, but......
Lord Salisbury Taunted The Opposition With Their Reserve...
with a Government which had been so frank, openly confessed that the fear of Russia was the only motive- power of the Conference ; and avowed his belief that the rumour as to......
Mr. Hardy's Speech Contained The Most Official Statement...
have yet received of the attitude of the Government towards the Treaties of 1856. "I hold," he said, "that to the end of the Conference we were bound by the Treaty under which......
The Duke Of Argyll Made By Far The Best Speech
of the Session on the Eastern Question, on Tuesday night, pointing out with great force how perverted the policy of the Government had been before the Bulgarian massacres, and......
The Universities Bill Passed Its Second Reading On Monday...
without a division, and with as little unfavourable criticism as a Government measure ever undergoes. Mr. Lowe, of course, repeated his attack on the Universities,—the......
Mr. Lowe's Attack On The Universities For Allowing The...
number of its graduates to pass on such very easy terms has called forth a letter from Mr. Fowler, of Lincoln College, ad- dressed to Thursday's Times, which shows how obsolete......
We Have Said Enough Elsewhere Of The Encounter Between Mr.
Gladstone and Mr. Chaplin, and need only add here that earlier in the evening, before Mr. Chaplin's " torpedo " was exploded, Mr. P. J. Smyth, the Member for Westmeath, made......
Lord Beaconsfield, In One Of The Most Apologetic And, At
the same time, most unhistorical of his speeches, re- pudiated the sneer against Russia; found excuses, which turn out to be quite imaginary, for the incredulity and bad......