Of Legal And Technical Books, We Have The Summary...
Acts, 1848-1879, and Other Acts Relating Thereto, by Edward W. Cox, Serjeant-at-Law (" Law Times " Office) ; A Consul's Manual and Shipowner and Shipmaster's Practical Guide,......
The Poem Of The Cid. A Translation From The Spanish,
with Intro- duction and Notes, by John Ormsby. (Longman.)—Mr. Ormsby has done the English public good service by publishing this volume, which many readers will welcome. Few......
The Elementary School Manager, By Hugo R. Rue-wiggin And...
Percival Graves (Isbister), is an excellent and comprehen- hensive manual, which should be of much help to managers, in the first place, and to teachers, in the second. Among......
The Gallican Church. By Julius Lloyd. (society For...
Knowledge.)—Here we have, in a series of slight sketches, the history of France, ecclesiastical and religious, in outline, from the period of the planting of a Christian church......
Smuts And Diamond, With Other Stories. By Selina Gaye. (rem-
ington.)—These are fairly written stories, which might pass well enough as "padding" for a magazine, but are scarcely worth the dignity of a volume. The "Red Light," which,......
We Have To Acknowledge A Second Edition Of A Pocket
of Pebbles; by William Philpot (Macmillan), " picked, sorted, and polished anew," —an edition worth welcome, if only for the excellent "new preface" which has been added, and......
Eldmuir : An Art Story Of Scottish Home-life, Scenery, And
Inci- dent. By Jacob Thompson, Jun. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This story is written by way of text to the pictures of Mr. Jacob Thomp- son, Senior. Justice is hardly done to the......
An Uncommon Man. Were This A Complete Biography, It Might
be necessary to show that there was another side to the Bishop's character, than that which the writer portrays. As it is, we can accept the estimate without reserve, and find......
In The Present Volumes Of Cassell's Natural History,...
P. Martin Duncan, M.B. (Ca,ssell„Petter, and Galpin), we have five divisions, Ungulate, by Professor A. H. Garrod ; Rodentia, by W. S. Dallas ; Edentate and Marsupialia, both by......
Corner-town Chronicles : New Legends Of Old Lore. By...
Knox. (Griffith and Farran.)—Here we have some prettily told fairy tales, or rather allegories. Allegories are commonly somewhat hard to understand ; and in these, though their......
The Testimony Of The Stars To The Truths Revealed In
the Bible. By Caroline Dent. (Rivington.)—This book is abridged from the " Maz- zeroth " of the late Miss Frances Rolleston, and briefly exhibits the ingenious attempt to find a......
The Events Of The Non-catholic Period Of The Church. By
W. Blackley, M.A. (Samuel Harris and Co.)—We have here a series of discourses expository of the period of Church history comprehended in the narrative of the Acts of the......
We Have To Notice The Sixth And Concluding Volume Of
The Works of Robert Burns. (Edinbmgh : Paterson.)—This volume contains the letters of the poet during the five years which he spent at Dumfries, a consider- able number, and......
A Visit To The Court Of Morocco, By Arthur Leared,
M.D. (Sampson Low and Co.), is a most entertaining narrative of a visit paid by the author to Mequinez and Fez, in the suite of the Portuguese Ambas- sador. It is not often that......