24 JANUARY 1964, page 22

Bully Boy

'FLY west, Wystan,' Day Lewis wrote in 1933, 'my bully boy.' Seven years later, Auden, rather dismayingly, took this advice. The American universities romped round him like......


The Strangers on My Roof. By E. Arnot Robertson. (Cresset Press, I8s.) The Snow Ball. By Brigid Brophy. (Seeker and Warburg, los.) Sleep Till Noon Day. By Richard Purslow.......

Land Of The Morning Calm

North Korea Today. Edited by Robert A. Scalapino. (Pall Mall Press, 27s. 6d.) The Centre of the World : Communism and the Mind of China. By Robert S. Elegant. (Methuen, 42s.)......