The Coroner's Jury Which Inquired Into The Staplehurst...
brought in a verdict of manslaughter against Benge, the fore- man, and Gallimore, the inspector, employed at the spot. The evidence as yet produced certainly establishes a......
The Young Gentlemen At Oxford Are Rather More Generous Than
Lord Brougham, having not yet learned to worship success. At Commemoration on Wednesday, three -loud cheers were given for -Jefferson Davis, a storm of groans for President......
Lard Stanley On Monday Informed The House That He Did
not in:eel to propose just yet the amendments in the Patent Laws suggested by the Commission of which he was chairman. He wanted the House to decide first whether it would not......
Joint-stock Associations Are Fast Superseding Banks, And...
invading the position of strictly mercantile firms. Three firms, Messrs. Robinson and Fleming, Redfern Alexander and Co., and Lane, Hankey, and Co., have united under the title......
All Through This Week The Cabmen Of Paris Have Been
on strike. There are 3,000 of them, an employed; by the Compagnie des Petites Voitures, which. under an agreement with the city has a monopoly' of this means e conveyance. The......
The Atlantic Telegraph Cable Has Been Coiled On Board The
Great Eastern, which starts for Valentia about the 7th July. It is calculated that the actual laying will occupy about a fortnight, and the first message may therefore be looked......
Lord Brougham Is Very Anxious, Now That The North Has
succeeded, to disavow all his virulent anti-Northern sentiments. In the House of Lords on Monday, he said "the conduct of the United States Government had been perfect upon the......
The " Suppressed Testimony " On The Strength Of Which
Mr. Johnson's Cabinet accused Mr. Jefferson Davis, Mr. Jacob Thompson, Mr. Sanders, and the rest, of complicity in the assassination plot has crept into print, and, if the......
Lord Stanley Of Alderley Does Not Seem To Have Benefited
much by the retirement of Sir Rowland Hill. The merchants of London want the present system of despatching the India mails changed for a weekly mail, leaving on a fixed day in......
The Negro Suffrage Question Will Give More Trouble Before...
than the war itself. In Tennessee a Bill has passed one House, and is expected to pass the other, admitting the testimony of ne- groes against negroes, but not against white......
The Narvaez Ministry In Spain, After Nearly Producing A...
has fallen, and Marshal O'Donnell, perhaps the most competent among such statesmen as Spain has, is again in power. The growing feeling in favour of a change of dynasty seems to......