24 MARCH 1877, page 3

A Man Of Some Literary Note,—rather, Perhaps, As The Late

Mr. Crabb Robinson mid of himself, for the literary friends whom he made and whom he endeared to him, than for - any literary work achieved by himself,—Charles Cowden Clarke,......

Mr. Lloyd Jones Has Been Giving A Couple Of Lectures

on the relations between Capital and Labour, in reply to Mr. Leone Levi's lectures on the same subject, but we regret to observe that they are not reported by the general Press......

'the School Board -of London Had Mrinteresting ,...

requirements- Of the new Code, - concerning which they - were unanimously - of -opinion that the - standards - suggested are far too bigh, - with apparently one - exeeption,that......

Mr. Gladstone, In His Speech On "preaching" At The - City...

on Thursday, gave remarkable sketches of three great preachers or Speakers whom he hadimown,—Dr. Newman, Dr. Chalmers, and Mr: Shell,—all of whom had great faults of manner,......

Dr. C. W. Siemens, President This Year Ef The Iron

and Steel Institute, and a great authority on Coal, -gave us, in his inaugural lecture -on Wednesday, an opinion which Will be pleasant to housewives. He thinks we are probably......

Dean Stanley Delivered, Yesterday Week, At The Close Of His

Rectorial term, a farewell address to the students of St. Andrew's University, which was chiefly devoted to the progressive char- acter of theology. He declared that this......

If A Report In The Echo Can Be Trusted, Mr.

Justice Brett is Kontributimgsomething to the democratising of the Bench. At the -Huntingdonshire Assizes, says our contemporary, Sir Balliol Brett sentenced a man to amonth's......

Consols 'were On Frfaity461- *if.
