There Has Been No Change This Week In The General
situation on the Continent, and, indeed, there could hardly be any, for Eastern and Central Europe lie buried in snow. The unrest in Roumania, however, still continues, and......
The New Local Government Bill Is Even More Sweeping Than
it was expected to be. It was introduced by Mr. Ritchie on Monday, in a lucid but strictly descriptive speech of two hours, and was received by Unionists with delight, by......
There Will, Of Coursa, Be Immense Fighting Over The Details
of this huge Bill, which provides also—as we think, prematurely —for District Councils, with sanitary and other powers; but the Tories care only about the general principle, and......
News Of The Week.
it/FR GOSCHEN has so far been wonderfully successful with his Conversion Bill. There has been no obstruction, and little serious resistance, except to the clause giving is. 6d.......
Whatever The True Condition Of The Emperor Frederick—and...
of secrecy has fallen round him, as it falls round all modern Sovereigns—he is doing most of his work punctually and well. Prince Bismarck drives every day to Charlottenburg to......
As For Finance, The County Councils Will Possess The Power
of rating now possessed by Quarter-Sessions, plus an income of 25,600,000, which they will derive from the transfer of the licence- duties on the sale of liquor—which are to be......