The French Chamber Of Deputier Passed The Northern...
on Thurs- day, by a majority of 253 to 10. An article in the bill as adopted by the Chamber prohibits the negotiation of the receipts or promises of shares, and declares the......
The Alexandria Correspondent Of The Morning Chronicle...
Bourne, President of the Foreign Letter Office, sent out by Viscount Lowther to enter into a postal treaty with 31ehernet Ali, about ten months back, returns by the Oriental;......
The West India Mail Was Delivered This Morning. The Weather
had been ge- nerally favourable for taking off the crops. In Trinidad it was expected that the yield would be greater than in any year since Emancipation. In that island,......
Divers reports of Royal movements are current. The Times says, in prominent ce.—" A correspondent in St. Petersburg writes us, under date 30th ultimo, that his Royal Highness......
The Arctic Expedition Was Off Lowestoft On Wednesday...
bows under in a heavy gale.;......
Last Night's Gazette Notifies That The Queen Will Hold A
dramingroom at St. James's Palace on Tuesday next, to celebrate her birthday. This present Saturday is in fact the auspicious day; but it is only marked by family rejoicings, in......
SATURDAY NIGHT. The Maynooth College Bill began its career in the House of Lords last night. On the motion of the Duke of WELLINGTON, it was read a first time; and he fixed the......
Sacred 11.anatoine Society.—the Queen Has Requested The...
St. Paul on Monday the 2d June, and has expressed her intention of being present on the occasion.......
By The Same Arrival, News Has Been Received From Hayti.
President Guerrier was dead, and General Perrot had been elected in his room. The Ex-President Hoard landed at Jacmel on the 21st April, with a handful of followers, bent upon......
Theatrical And Musical Notices, Several Advertisements...
inserted if possible, and other articles ty . a less temporary nature, are excluded for want of room.......
Money Market.
SATVEDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. We have no change or business ofimportance to report either in the English or Foreign Funds; which are at yesterday s prices. The transactions in......