Disfigured Railway Stations Sir,—in _ Suggesting That The...
orderly layout of signs and advertisements at London Transport stations could well be carried out by the other railways, Mr. Noel Carrington overlooks what had already been......
School Books
Stn,—Though quite misled by the title " Education Now? " I was interested to find the writer of the article - cri'tic'ising schoial - books, for I thought nobody wearied about......
-. Education Now
Sut,—I read with great interest the article "Education Now? " in The Spectator of November 17th, and think the ideas put forward admirable, but I am . afraid that some time will......
The Italian People Have Just Returned From Italy And It
was with some surprise, as well as regret, that I read in your issue of November 17th Mr. Blissett's diatribe against the Italians. Although he is so positive about the views of......
The People And The Party' Machines
SIR,—The letter from the Dean of St. Paul's on the future of Coalition Government voices what has been in the mind of many thoughtful people in recent months. But does the Dean......
Large Or Small Farms ?
Sin,—In an excellent article on " Large or Small Farms? " in The Spectator of November 17th, Mr. Walston says: " It is undeniable that most farm-workers prefer to work on a......