Pine Arts Quarterly Review. October, 1863. No. Ii....
Hall.)—We never take up this review without feeling that the paper and type are, after all, too splendid and costly, for the pub- lication of what are, after all, ephemeral......
Handbook To The Modern Provençal Language. By The Rev. J.
Dun- can Craig. (John Russell Smith.)—The author has done good service to the students of language in compiling an excellent grammar and vocabulary of a dialect which once......
Our Garden Friends And Foes.*
Tins is a book which every gentleman who loves his garden should place in the hands of his gardener. The amount of useful and curious information which it contains in a very......
British Quarterly Review. October, 1863. (jackson,...
solid six shillings' worth. The paper on M. Renan's " Life of Jesus," otherwise able, fails in this, that it does not do bare justice to his conception. The Jesus of M. Renan,......
Edinburgh Review, October, 1863. (longman And Co.)—a...
be pronounced uninteresting. There are four articles of that able common-place character to which readers of reviews are so well used. If any one wants a short, clear summary of......
Current Literature.
The Anti-Slavery Cause in America and its Martyrs. By Eliza Wigham. (A. W. Bennett.)—An interesting summary of the origin and growth of the Abolition party in the United States.......