Sir: In his piece on welfare dependency (3 October) Dr Daniels paints a depressing picture all too familiar to dozens of his fellow doctors. In my grandfather's medic- al......
Jumping Joints
Sir: It is true that in the convict states kangaroo meat may be purchased as pet food. But in the enlightened south it is readily available from butchers for human consumption.......
Mosley Contra Mundum
Sir: As an old professor I should be much more pleased with the beautiful Lady Mosley (Letters, 10 October) if she would only learn from history, instead of thinking that she is......
Bloomsbury Rissole
Sir: Alexandra Artley (Diary, 10 October) gave an account of the seminar on Ger- trude Himmelfarb's 'Victorian Values' pamphlet that must have mystified many who were present.......
Queen Of Fiji
Sir: It was most gratifying to see in The Spectator (3 October) two articles con- veying a deeper understanding of Fiji's constitutional and ethnic problems than has been the......
Painter Adolf
Sir: In your publication of 22 August last, you allowed a Mr Timothy Ash to use the term 'house painter' when referring to the late Adolf Hitler. A term such as that was at one......
Fiji Principle
Sir: If Auberon Waugh (Another voice, 5 October) firmly believes that Melanesians in Fiji are entitled to usurp political power for all time just because they are the indigenous......
The Publishers Of Dr Michael Van Walt Van Praag's Book,
The Status of Tibet, (The Spectator, 10 October) are Wisdom Pub- lications, 23 Dering Street, London WI .......