* * * * . When M. Painleve Met The
Chamber on Tuesday he read a declaration of policy in which he attached chief importance to preserving the security of France and the balancing of the Budget. Nothing else......
It Might Be Thought That The Appointment Of M. Caillaux
would in itself quite estrange the Senate which condemned him as a national renegade only five years ago. On the other hand, M. Painleve has been clever enough to find no fewer......
M. Caillaux, For His Part, Is Not Angling For The
applause of any particular party. He walks alone, supremely self-confident in the financial conclusions at which he has arrived from his own experience and thinking. In fine, as......
In The New Government M. Painleve, Besides Being' Prime...
has become Minister of War. M. Briand is Minister of Foreign Affairs, and M. Monzie, who was Minister of Finance for a few hours under M. Herriot. just before the fall of the......
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W. C. 2. — A Subscription to The "Spectator" costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage to any part of the world. Th.: Postage on this issue is: Inland, ld.; Foreign,......
News Of The Week Rimie New Government In France, With
M. Painleve as Prime Minister, which was still being formed when we went to press last week, is a nondescript body with a nondescript policy. The first appearance of the new......