No Bank Merger ' Sir,—in The Notes By Custos In Last
week's Spectator it is stated : 'now that this bank [Commercial Bank of Scotland] hag merged'WIth the National Bank of Scotland . . .' This is not a fact. Discussions about a......
Sir,—it Would Be Comforting To Accept Strix's Con-...
the Communist pattern of denunciation and betrayal of family and friends succeeds among the Russians and the Chinese because these people lack a sense of honour. But can the......
Chance Of A Lifetime Sir,—no, Sir, I Was Cold Sober
and I still am : despite the tone of my original opening remarks, I do not regard the reputation of the Spectator as a matter for frivolity. As to the statistical adventure......
Theatre Censorship
SIR,—The Theatre Workshop Defence Fund, for which an appeal recently appeared in your correspon- dence columns, now exceeds the expenses incurred in the defence of Theatre......
S. Rintoul
SIR,—Your tribute to R. S. Rintoul and his associa- tion with the Spectator is very interesting, but has Paul Bloomfield not got astray with some of his assertions? Is he not......