Naval Gazette.
AtorrEltrr, Aug. 17.-Corps of Royal Marines-To be Second Lieutenants-Gent. Cadet A. Fonblanque, Gent, Cadet M. A. H. J. Heriot, Mr. J. G. Edwardes, Mr. J. R. Leeds, Mr. B. D.......
Prices Current.
BRITISH 2 per Cent Consols UNDS. Sassed. (Closing Monday. -- e• Prices.) Tuesday — — Wednes. -- 918 Thurs. Friday. 91 Cl Ditto for Account 91 9 1 911 91 911 91 91 Spec Cents......
On The 15th August, At Stoke, Devon, The Wife Of
Lieutenant Royer, R.N., et H.M.S. Implacable, of a daughter. On the 16th, at the Rectory, Ingestre, Staffordshire, the Wife of the Rev. John Finley, of a son. On the 17th, at......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, Aug. 21. PARTNEPEUIPS Dissomm.-Bradshaw, Wanklyn, and Jordan, Manchester, mer- chants-Bradshaw, Wanklyn, and Sons, Manchester, merchants-Twist and Morris, Birmingham.......