The Week Has Been Full Of Rumours About An Impending
quarrel between Russia and Austria, serious enough to affect all Bourses adversely. There is something in the stories, though not quite so much as alarmists think. It was......
A Very Strange Incident Is Reported From Moscow, In A
tele- gram through Reuter, dated Berlin. It is affirmed that the Metropolitan of Moscow has addressed a letter to the Czar, urging him to come out from his seclusion in......
It Was Impossible For The Government To Endure The Repeal
of the Land Act by a side-wind, and in the teeth of the Represen- tative House, and therefore, while Lord Granville on Monday announced that the Government would be no party to......
*** The Edit Ore Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In
any case.......
Mr. Bradlaugh Has Succeeded In His Object Of Getting Himself
expelled from the House of Commons. On Tuesday he stole a march on the House, by appearing at the table, taking the oath on a New Testament, signing it and leaving a copy on the......
News Of The Week.
T HE Lords sprang a mine on the Government on Friday week. Lord Dononghmore moved that a Committee should be ap- pointed to " inquire into the Irish Land Act, and its effect......