25 FEBRUARY 1989, page 25


Sir: I enjoyed the entertaining article `Favourite maggots' by Candida Crewe in the Christmas number of The Spectator. May I however correct her over an error of fact? Ekbom's......

Rank Injustice

Sir: I write in defence of Mark Phillips's use of his rank of Captain following Anthony Howard's note (Diary, 7 January). There seems to be a quite uncalled for dislike of the......

Out Of School

Sir: Your readers will be interested to know that following Alexandra Artley's excellent article on out of school provision (Indoors and alone', 4 February), the Lord Chancellor......

Another Happy Pole

Sir: It was a pleasant surprise to receive several consecutive issues of The Spectator during last weeks but only now, after getting your letter of 12 January, I under- stand......

Lead Astray

Sir: It is a matter of regret to me that Motability has apparently some responsi- bility for having provoked an uncharacter- istically petulant article (The lead balloon goes......