25 JANUARY 1873, page 14

Bishop Bekynton.

[TO THE EDIT9It OF THE SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Will you permit me to add to your notice of Bishop Bekynton's life one fact, which is, I think, of some present interest and importance?......


THE LATE MR. CHARLES BUXTON.* • Notes of Thought by the late Charke Buxton, M.P. Preceded by a Biographical Sketch, by Bev. J. Llewelyn Davies, M.A. London : John Murray. self.......

Working-men And The Jury System. [to The Editor Of The

"SPECTATOR.") SIR, —In your paper of last week you have made a mistake which I should be glad to correct. You express dissent from the pro- position which was moved at the Leeds......